FAQ - Templates Advanced

Getting us to customise your template
Do you require a more customised look and feel, that reflects the professional branding needs of your company?

Importing a new template
tutorial on how to import a new design template on a site by site basis.

Specifying the DOCTYPE
Where can I set the DOCTYPE for my website

Custom template tags [TAGS] overview
Find out what the functionality specific tags will add to your template, eg how to add Zone2 content areas, or split menus.

CSS Menus
Here is some example CMS menu code

CSS Menus over Google Adsense
This seems to fix it if your CSS menus won't hover over google adsense... #menu { position:relative; z-index: 100; }

Photoshop Guidelines
Need some guidelines for designing a website intended for our CMS?

Template Variations [A-H]
Advanced users who have knowledge of HTML have the ability to create up to eight layout variations for the template

Stylesheets and CSS
Learn about Stylesheets and CSS

Showing products promotion status in the product list
Products now have classes added if set with a promotion status e.g featured, on sale. You can target these to add badges e.g. 'Hot', 'Sale' etc via CSS

CMS and Template Classes
Stylesheet classes tips for the pros. Learn more about some of our common CSS classes and how you can use them.

Add cartcount number to a template
Add a number that shows the amount of items in the cart somewhere in the template.

Template Classes
Standard Classes used or Detected by the CMS.

Custom Arrows on Dropdowns

Contentbox Background Mask
You can mask the shape of a background image or background colour.

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